ASD and ADHD Facts
ASD and ADHD Facts
estimated # of children (5-14yo) with ASD living in Chicago
1 in 54 children is diagnosed with an ASD
- Two times more likely to be overweight or at risk.
- Three times more likely to be bullied.
- Have enormous potential but only about 10 to 20% of adults are employed.
Autism Speaks conducted a national survey on community youth organizations. The top barriers that families experience to having their child participate in a youth organization are:
- No programs specifically designed for youth with autism
- Lack of behavior management services
- Untrained staff
- Expense of the program, lack of scholarships
estimated # of children (5-14yo) with ADHD living in Chicago
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
1 in 11 children is diagnosed with ADHD
- 65% have problems with defiance and non-compliance.
- 32.2% chance to drop out of high school compared to 15%.
- 2 times more likely to be laid off.
After-school programs are a blessing for kids with ADHD. A study showed that children with ADHD who participated in after-school activities had nearly 40 percent lower odds of parents reporting them having a moderate or severe case of missing school. Prior research has established that increased physical activity and less screen time among these children are both linked to less severe cases.